Why must I complete a Request To Join Form?

The HoDown is NOT a free-for-all event where you can do whatever you like. We have rules and guidelines set up for your safety, the safety of others, and ours alike. The website provides these rules and completing the signup acknowledges you've read the rules. By you attending you agree to keep these rules. Because of these rules, The HoDown has remained functioning since 2010.

Having 1 place that provides ALL the information you need and 1 way of sending information ensures everyone is receiving the same information in the same way. This prevents confusion and misinformation from spreading. It's a system that has worked effectively for sending invitations and providing uniform information to everyone at the same time!

Grindr, Jack'd, Scruff, Tinder, and many other dating/networking apps discourage talk of events. So we refer you to this website that will answer any questions you may have. The staff is busy working as hopefully you are. This site was made so you have NO NEED to message the host. It's been rumored that gay men don't like to read, but to attend this event, reading is what you must do. If you email us asking questions, you will be redirected back to the website and advised to read through. There's a search bar to the right you can use to help you find any piece of information you need, USE IT!!!

There is a Request To Join Form for each type of event:

  • Regular HoDown (Monday, Friday, 555 HoDown, and Throwback Thursday)
  • Naked Game Night
  • Themed Saturday Events
  • Coed HoDown
You can sign up for all of them or the ones that interest you the most. To get an invitation to any event, YOU MUST COMPLETE A REQUEST TO JOIN FORM! Then you must wait to be approved. It's an application not a right of passage! We accept a wide array of guests and all are encouraged to apply. 

Once you are approved, we add you to the event list you signed up for. It's YOUR responsibility to check your emails and text messages. The event invitation will have all the information you need to arrive at our front door. You must READ the information and use the links to guide you here. You're given everything you need, but it's useless if you don't read it!